Comments: It was bad weather but good run day. Didn't have much traffic on the trail. Only a few diehards. Once again my watch turned off. I think I will get a regular watch and just use MapMyRun.
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Runners: Carolyn, Russ and Jim
Weather: Mid-40's and Cloudy
Comments: Great to see Russ back out on the trail. Hopefully I can solve my watch issues. I captured the first 5 miles but then my watch turned off.
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Runners: Carolyn and Jim
Weather: Rainy, Windy in the 40's
Comments: We did the Council Crest out and back today. My watched failed so I had to look up the run. When I search my Garmin site for runs with the title Council Crest w/Shortcut this is what I found: ,br>