Comments: New loop today. Pittock to Macleay to Vista to Marquam to Wildwood to some trail to some road back to Wildwood. 1500 feet elevation gain in 8.5 mile is good even for us hill runners.
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Runners: Russ and Jim
Weather: Upper 50's and Sunny
Comments: Every 10-15 years I like to find a brand new route. Russ and I started with the familiar Marquam hill climb, Fairmont back down to Terwilliger loop. But then we took a sharp right going down Terwilliger and made it to Tillicum Crossing. This opens up many new possibilities.
The answer is yes. I downloaded my running data from Garmin and sorted through all the runs 8 miles and over by average speed. Five of the fastest ten were from 2015, four from 2014 and one from 2012. A look at the slowest 10 shows mostly 2011 and 2012.
Runners: Carolyn and Jim
Weather: Mid 60's and Sunny
Comments: It was good to get back to our other run. Great mix of trail, road , hill and flat.
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Runners: Carolyn, Jennie and Jim
Weather: Low 50's and Cloudy
Comments: It was cold today! Fall feels nice on the trail. And the trail is better after rain. We ran up Holman and out Wildwood and then took the trail all the way back.