Comments: Finley and Brody did a great job today running over 8 miles. Finley can be a bit pesky so we'll give Brody a pass for putting her in her place a few time. They'll figure it out. Good run!
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Runners: Carolyn and Jim
Weather: Mid 40's and Rainy
Comments: Some of the worst traffic ever to get to a run. We had to regroup and meet at Marquam Shelter. We ran a good loop using trails and then up and over Council Crest for about 6 miles. Finley is learning a new command. "Trail" means run behind me on single track.
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Runners: Jim and Finley
Weather: Upper 40's and Rainy
Comments: Last week I debuted new shoes. This week I have a new running partner. Finally Finely gets out on the trail. She did a great job on a sloppy day. I let her off leash further out and she was able to check in with me and come back when called.
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Runners: Carolyn, Russ and Jim
Weather: Low 50's and Cloudy
Comments: Welcome back Russ. We ran shorter today and made a nice loop by going down to the Leif Erickson trail and back the MaCleay park. After last week's long run I knew it was time for new shoes. Today was the debut of Merrell Trail Glove 3. Best shoe ever!
Comments: Two weeks before the Run to Stay Warm so we did our longest run in a year (for me not Carolyn.) 11.5 miles on the trail is a good run.
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Runners: Carolyn, Russ and Jim
Weather: Beautiful - 50's and Sunny
Comments: This was going to be Finley's big debut. A mistake on Google maps put Ruth and the address I told her but it wasn't where we needed to meet. Soon the dog will be on the trail!
This post is for last Saturday October 15th.
Runners: Carolyn and Jim
Weather: Horrible - 50's and Rain and Wind
Comments: We ran 10 miles in the rain. It is surprising we don't have more Fall / Winter run like this. Thank goodness.
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Runners: Russ and Jim
Weather: 60 and Rainy
Comments: Russ and I went part way up the Marquam trail for a 5 miler. Carolyn did the Portland Marathon today in the pouring rain! Great run sister!
Saturday, October 1, 2016
Runners: Carolyn and Jim
Weather: 50 and Cloudy
Comments: We repeated last week's run but went a mile shorter a bit faster. The plan is to go longer each week starting two weeks from now. Maybe start at 10 miles.
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Runners: Carolyn, Russ and Jim
Weather: 50's and Foggy
Comments: It was great to be back on the trail from an extended layoff. We did 9.3 miles. Nothing like a trail run in Fall!
Saturday 9/17/16
Runners: Carolyn, Russ and Jim
Weather: 60's and Rainy
Comments: We ran up Terwilliger and back. Carolyn did two more loops for 18 miles.
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Runners: Russ and Jim
Weather: Upper 50's and Sunny
Comments: Russ and I did a short run today part way up Marquam from Hawthorne. Carolyn is in the final stretch before the Portland Marathon so she is doing 16 today on her own.
Comments: We met at 51st and Hawthorne for the first of many Hood to Coast training runs.
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Runners: Carolyn, Russ and Jim
Weather: Upper 50's and Partly Cloudy
Comments: We parked on 53 and went out for one hour today. Because of the creek canyons in was just as hilly as closer in. Good run.
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Runners: Carolyn, Sandy, Russ and Jim
Weather: 50's and Partly Cloudy
Comments: We did a nice 6.5 miles loop that included trail and road. I also found a nifty way to get on the 405 while trying avoid the Rose Parade blockades. I took Vista to Montgomery and and it dropped out right at an exit onto 405. It might just be my new way home.
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Runners: Carolyn, Sandy, Matt and Jim
Weather: 50's and Partly Cloudy
Comments: What a great way to celebrate a Birthday. My watch (which is normally accurate) said 9.5 miles. MapMyRun says 10.75. I'm going with 10.75.
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Runners: Carolyn and Jim and Blue Shirt Pacer
Weather: 50's Cloudy
Comments: We always seem to have a good run when we park at MacLeay. Thank you to the runner going just a little faster than us. I'm glad it was mostly downhill when we sped up.
Update - Here is the data from Strava from the chase:
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Runners: Russ and Jim
Weather: 50's and Cloudy
Comments: Another basic run to the top of Council Crest and back. Good run.
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Runners: Carolyn, Sandy, Matt, Mike and Jim
Weather: Mid 50's and Sunny
Comments: Up Holman hill today. Welcome back Matt and thanks for inviting Mike. And Russ - I hope you have a good run at the beach.You missed some interesting conversations at Starbucks.
This why I like Strava. With no effort on my part (except to run up the hill) Strava recorded our effort on the top part of Council Crest. Someone created a "Segment" from the last road we cross to the top. You can see the steady improvement over two years:
Runners: Carolyn, Russ and Jim
Weather: 50's and Cloudy
Comments: We did the basic run to the top of Council Crest and back today. This has become a standard run over the years.
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Runners: Carolyn, Matt, Russ and Jim
Weather: 50's and Partly Cloudy
Comments: It was great to be out on the trail. It was Carolyn and the boys today. Good run everyone.
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Runners: Carolyn and Jim
Weather Sunny and Cool
Comments: We ran in Sherwood today because someone was out late last night. It was a nice 6.75 loop around Sherwood.The graphic below was from my new TomTom GPS Heart Rate watch. It seems pretty accurate.
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Runners: Carolyn, Sandy, Russ and Jim
Weather: 50's and Partly Cloudy
Comments: We did 8.67 hilly miles today. Carolyn and Sandy and a random lady killed me going up Pittock Hill. But not Age Category Guy. No I was going to hurl before he beat me up the hill. It was close. Nice data from Carolyn's fancy new Garmin watch!
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Runners: Carolyn and Jim
Weather: 50's and Cloudy
Comments: We ran the basic Council Crest out and back today. 1:28 is a decent time. The weather felt like Spring for the first time this year.
Runners: Carolyn, Sandy, Jim and 35K others
Weather: Lower 40's and Rainy
Comments: Very cold Shamrock Run this year. Good job Carolyn and Sandy for being top 5% of their age category.
Saturday, March 5, 2016
Runners: Carolyn, Sandy, Russ and Jim
Weather: 50's and Partly Sunny
Comments: We ran on a very crowded trail today but it was a good 8.5 mile run.
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Runners: Carolyn, Russ and Jim
Weather: 50's and Rainy
Comments: I delivered on a 1.5 hour run. I did say 6-8 miles and we went .4 miles over. Good new loop today.
Thanks to Ruth and Brian for meeting us a Pine State after the run. Yum.
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Runners: Carolyn, Sandy and Jim
Weather: Cold and Cloudy
Comments: Good loop today. Notice on the graphic below that we set four PR's according to Strava.
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Runners: Carolyn, Russ and Jim
Weather: Mid 40's and Partly Cloudy
Comments: Nice call Russ. We ran Terwilliger to get ready for the Shamrock. I would never make that call but I'm glad we did.
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Runners: Carolyn, Sandy, Russ and Jim
Weather: Mid 40's and Partly Cloudy
Comments: We went up Holman today. We haven't done it in awhile because it take time to forget how awful it is. It was a good 9 mile run with 1500 feet elevation gain.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Runners: Carolyn, Russ and Jim
Weather: Lower 40's and Showers
Comments: We added a bit to last week's run to make it 8 miles. This loop is a good combination of trail and street and even has a few flat sections (okay, mot much.)
Runners: Carolyn, Sandy, Russ and Jim
Weather: 40's and Rainy
Comments: We ran a 6.8 miles loop from the Wildwood down in to NW, over to Washington Park and back along the Wildwood. I admit I took a cheap shot by passing and sprinting during the final segments.
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Runners: Carolyn, Sandy and Jim
Weather: Upper 40's and Rainy
Comments: We ran 8.4 sloppy, muddy, slippery miles today on the Wildwood. I remember back when Pittock Mansion hill use to be intimidating and ominous like it was just this morning.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
Runners: Carolyn, Sandy, Russ and Jim
Weather: Mid 30's and Cloudy
Comments: We headed out Wildwood today and had to turn around due to ice as we headed down to MacKleay creek. We ended up looping back toward Washington Park and getting back on the Wildwood for a total of 5.5 miles. Oh yeah, and Carolyn slipped on the ice right after I said "watch out for ice" and she said "it's clear" and I said "famous last words."
Saturday, January 2, 2016
Runners: Russ and Jim
Weather: Mid 20's and Windy
Comments: First run of the year! Russ and I went to the water tower and back for a very cold first run. Good job!