Thursday, June 29, 2017

Day 25

Athletes: Russ, Andy and Jim

Weather: 50's and Sunny

Comments: Daily double today: ran 4.4 with Russ this morning and went to the gym for 45 minutes this afternoon with Andy.

Wednesday June 28

Day 24

Rest Day 3

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Day 23

Athletes: Andy and Jim

Comments: Went to the gym with Andy today.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Day 22

Athletes: Jim

Weather: 60's and Cloudy

Comments: Nice easy run with Finley.

Sunday June 25

Day 21

Comments: Rest Day Number 2

Saturday June 24

Day 20

Athletes: Dave and Jim

Weather: 60's and Sunny

Comments: Went for a recovery ride with Dave along the Deschutes river. Very nice.

Friday June 23

Day 19

Athletes: Carolyn and Jim

Weather:40's and Sunny to 70's and Sunny

Comments: The 25K trail run turned into a 30K trail run. I ran to extent my "barefoot" feet would let me (14 miles) and then started walking and running, and then fast walking and then strolling. I was very pleased with how I did on the trail and Carolyn did great on the entire race. Amazingly not one blister between us! This was the longest I have run in over 20 years.

Thursday June 22

Day 18

Weather: NA

Athletes: Jim

Comments: Rest day before the 25K trail run tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Day 17

Athletes: Jim

Weather: 50's and Partly Cloudy

Comments: The workout today was to drop my car off to get an oil change and bike home from there. Took a longer way home and had to bike bike as well for a total of over 14 miles.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Day 16

Athletes: Andy and Jim

Weather: 50's and Partly Cloudy

Comments: First I ran around the neighborhood with the dog and then Andy and the dog and I went for a hike on the Wildwood. Good start to summer break!

Day 15

Athletes: Chris and Jim

Weather: 50's and Partly Cloudy

Comments: Part way into the run Chris pulled up before his calf could cramp up. Lesson learned, use the routine that works!

Sunday June 18th

Day 14

Athletes: None

Comments: First rest day in two weeks after yesterday's 10 miler. Okay.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Day 13

Athletes: Carolyn, Russ and Jim

Weather: 50's and Partly Cloudy

Comments: Good to have Russ back on the trail. Happy Retirement (but not from running, sorry.)

Day 12

Athletes: Jim

Weather: 50's and Cloudy

Comments: Short run today to rest up for tomorrow.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Day 11

Athletes: Jim

Weather: Rainy and 50's

Comments: Today the work out is riding to school in back. I added miles both direction by going towards Mt Tabor.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Day 10

Athletes: Chris and Jim

Weather: 50's and Cloudy

Comments: Nice to be back to a regular 9:00 pace for an easy 3 miler.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Day 9

Athletes: Jim

Weather: 50's and Cloudy

Comments: Nice 3 mile run inside the neighborhood.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Day 8

Athletes: Chris and Jim

Weather: 50's and Cloudy

Comments: Basic three mile run from school.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Day 7

Athletes: Jim

Weather: Mostly Sunny and 70

Comments: Had a nice ride to Grand Central Bakery where I met Ruth (and she brought Finley.) Rode by Oregon Bike Shop on the way back to it was a little longer. Rode a total of 11 miles.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Day 6

Athletes: Carolyn and Jim

Weather: 40's and Showers

Comments: Went out and back today for the longest run in a month. The cool showery weather was helpful.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Day 5

Athletes: Jim

Weather: Rainy and 50's

Comments: Basic run around the neighborhood

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Day 4

Athletes: Jim

Weather: Rainy and 50's

Comments: I left about 6:20 AM and bike past my school and RRMS and then out Holgate to the South side of Powell Butte. I turned around at the entrance. It took about 30 minutes to get to the turn around and then 20 minutes back to my school.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Day 3

Athletes: Jim

Weather: 50's and Sunny

Comments: Finally back biking!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Day 2
Athletes: Jim

Weather: 50's and Sunny

Comments: I figured out how to run 3 miles within my neighborhood.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Day: 1
Athletes: Jim
Weather: Mid 40's and Sunny

Comments: I am beginning a running / biking consecutive record today. I will still post Saturday runs but also include all other workouts until I end my series. I am starting at 194 lbs and attempting to workout (running or biking) until my weight is down to 178.